The meal plans were created specifically to give you a better dining value for your dollars when you use a meal card instead of paying cash to eat. They are valid for one semester and they are non-transferable.
Where Can I Sign Up & What Are My Payments?
To sign up, visit the Office of The Bursar.
(610) 399–2224
Where Can I Use My Commuter Meal Plan?
All meal plans can be used at our all-you-care-to-eat Dining Hall as well as in the retail locations. There are no refunds for any meals remaining on the plan at the end of the semester.
Why Should You Sign Up?
Save on sales tax!
No cash needed!
Save your parking space!
Nutritious food options!
Reduce your cooking chores!
10 Meal Plan, Plus $150 Flex Dollars
This meal plan offers 10 all-you-care-to-eat meals per week in the dining hall each week during the semester. Plus, you will receive $150 flex dollars to be used in the retail locations.
5 Meal Plan, Plus $150 Flex Dollars
This meal plan offers 5 all-you-care-to-eat meals per week in the dining hall each week during the semester. Plus, you will receive $150 flex dollars to be used in the retail locations.